Privacy policy

Effective Date: December 13, 2023

The party responsible for data protection, as per data protection laws, particularly the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), is:

Owner: Inessa-Kristina Mir
Address: Postfach 4 07 16, Berlin 10064, Germany

Your Data Rights

You have these rights, and you can use them anytime by reaching out to our Data Protection Officer:

- Access and information about your stored data and how we process it (Art. 15 GDPR)
- Correcting any incorrect personal data (Art. 16 GDPR)Deleting your data we have stored (Art. 17 GDPR)
- Limiting processing if we can't delete your data due to legal reasons (Art. 18 GDPR)
- Objecting to how we process your data (Art. 21 GDPR)Data portability, if you've agreed to processing or have a contract with us (Art. 20 GDPR)

You can also withdraw your consent whenever you want for future processing.

If you're not satisfied, you can complain to a supervisory authority, like the one in your state or the one responsible for us.

Find a list of supervisory authorities (for the non-public sector) with addresses at:

Collecting Information When You Visit Our Website

What We Do: When you come to our website, even if you don't sign up or share anything, we automatically gather general information. This "server log files" data includes things like the type of browser you use, your operating system, your internet service provider's domain, your IP address, and more.

Why We Do This: We process this data for a few reasons:Making sure our website connects properlyEnsuring our website runs smoothly for youChecking that our systems are secure and stableImproving our websiteWe don't use this data to identify you personally. Sometimes, we might analyze it anonymously to make our website and tech better.

Why We Process: We process this data based on Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR. It's our legit interest to improve our website's stability and function.

Who Gets This Data: Our technical service providers, who help maintain and run the website, might receive this data. They're data processors.

Data Transfer to Third Countries: We might transfer data to third countries, while we are using various external service providers, like Framer and Google. Since there are no official safeguards for these countries, data subject rights might not be fully guaranteed.

Data Retention Period: We delete data when it's no longer needed for its original purpose. For website-related data, this usually happens when your session ends.For data stored in log files, we keep it for a maximum of 14 days. After that, we might keep it longer. But in that case, we anonymize users' IP addresses so they can't be traced back.

Required Information: You're not legally or contractually obligated to provide your personal data. However, without your IP address, we can't guarantee full website service. Certain services might also be limited or unavailable. So, we can't accept objections in this case.

Registering for Events and Webinars

What We Do: When you register for our personalized services, we collect info like your name, address, contact, and communication details (like email). Registered users can access content and services available only to them.Registered users can update or delete their registration data anytime. We'll also give you info about the personal data we have stored about you.

Why We Do This: Processing the data you provide during registration is based on your consent (Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR).If you register for our paid services, we process the data you provide for pre-contractual actions (Art. 6(1)(b) GDPR).

Data Recipients: Our technical service providers (like Eventbrite, Inc.) might receive your data as data processors.

Data Transfer to Third Countries: We might transfer data to third countries, while we are using various external service providers, like Eventbrite, MailerLite or Mailchimp. Since there are no official safeguards for these countries, data subject rights might not be fully guaranteed.

Data Retention
We'll process your data as long as you've given us consent. After that, we'll delete it, unless there's a legal requirement to keep it.

Providing Your Data
Giving us your personal data is optional. However, we need it to offer our personalized services through the registration form

Fee-Based Services

What We Do: For fee-based services, we might ask for more info like payment details to process your order.

Why We Do It: Processing data to fulfill a contract is based on Art. 6(1)(b) GDPR.

Who Receives Your Data: Recipients might include data processors and payment providers like PayPal.

Data Transfer to Third Countries: We might transfer data to third countries, while we are using various external service providers, like Stripe or Paypal. Since there are no official safeguards for these countries, data subject rights might not be fully guaranteed.

How Long We Keep Your Data: We'll store data as long as your consent is valid, or as required by law.

Providing Your Data: Giving us your personal data is voluntary. Without it, we can't give you access to our content and services.


What We Do: We collect personal data you provide through a registration form for sending newsletters.

How We Check Registrations: We use the "double opt-in" method to confirm registrations.

Why We Do It: Sending newsletters is based on your consent (Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR).

Who Receives Your Data: Recipients might include data processors.

Data Transfer to Third Countries: We might transfer data to third countries, while we are using various external service providers, like Mailchimp or MailerLite. Since there are no official safeguards for these countries, data subject rights might not be fully guaranteed.

Data Retention: We'll process data as long as you've given consent. After that, we'll delete it.

Providing Your Data: Giving personal data is optional, based solely on your consent. Without it, we can't send you our newsletter.

Withdrawing Consent: You can withdraw consent anytime. Each newsletter has an unsubscribe link, or you can use our contact option.

Contact Forms

What We Do: We store data you provide via contact forms on our website for personalized communication with you. To do this, we need your valid email address and name. Additional information is optional.

Why We Do It: Processing data from the contact form is based on our legitimate interest (Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR).

Our Goal: We want to make it easy for you to contact us. Your provided information helps us address your inquiries and schedule personal phone calls. The data may also be used for follow-up questions. If you request a quote, data is processed for pre-contractual measures (Art. 6(1)(b) GDPR).

Who Receives Your Data: Recipients might include our data processors.

Data Transfer to Third Countries: We might transfer data to third countries, while we are using various external service providers, like Google Forms. Since there are no official safeguards for these countries, data subject rights might not be fully guaranteed.

Data Protection Measures: We have established Standard Contractual Clauses, and we can provide you with a copy upon request.

Data Retention: Data is deleted within 6 months after processing your request. If a contractual relationship exists, we follow legal retention periods and delete your data after their expiration.

Providing Your Data: Providing your personal data is voluntary. However, we can only process your request if you give us your name, email address, and the reason for your inquiry.

Cookies and Similar Technologies

How We Use Them
Just like many other websites, we use "cookies" too. Cookies are small text files stored on your device (like laptop, tablet, smartphone) when you visit our website. You can delete individual cookies or all of them. You can also learn how to delete or block cookies from the start.

Depending on your browser, you'll find the information you need from these links:

Mozilla Firefox:
Internet Explorer:
Google Chrome:

Use of Artificial Intelligence and Transfer of Personal Data

In alignment with our commitment to safeguarding your privacy, uxberg school does not employ artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to process personal data. Our decision reflects a conscious effort to minimize risks to your privacy and to avoid the complexities associated with the transfer and analysis of personal data through AI systems. This approach is consistent with our overarching privacy principles, emphasizing our dedication to maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of your personal information without compromising on the quality of our service

Should you have any inquiries about data protection, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via email at: